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Engineering Assignment Question
Write a research proposal on a Software Engineering Approach adopted by Ten Australian Start-ups in Educational Technology Designs
Engineering Assignment Solution
Education is defined as a set of “activities which aim at developing the knowledge, skills, moral values and understanding required in all aspects of life rather than knowledge and skill relating to only a limited field of activity” (Masadeh 2012). Specifically, this proposed study would focus on extending and applying ideas from computing and software engineering for the design of educational technologies to meet the scale and diversity of higher education. This proposal is based on the idea of utilising computing to address challenges which educators face in higher education. It would be based on the number of systems developed and the diverse range of solutions with a varied focus on goals, processes, contents and styles. This proposal comprises a problem statement, scope of the proposed study, a review of existing literature to identify gaps, focus areas of this research, data and ethical considerations. Finally, the key points are summarised in the conclusion section.
1. Problem Statement
The adoption of technology in the education sector has undergone an immense makeover to enhance the learning experience for anyone, anywhere and anytime. To facilitate this, various educational technologies such as computer-aided instruction, web-based learning, game-based learning, learning management systems, computer-supported collaborative systems, virtual learning environments have been developed (Nickerson & Zodhiates (eds.) 2013). There is a need for constant improvement to cater to emerging trends such as personalised learning, gesture-based learning, augmented reality, gamification and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) (Karnad 2016). This forms a major challenge increasing the complexity of the design of educational technologies impacting the customisation and adoption to meet the needs. This proposed study would explore the software engineering approach adopted in the design of eLearning Systems to address the challenges faced by educators in the Australian higher education sector.
2. Scope of the Study
Educational technologies adopt various ontologies representing different facets such as the domain knowledge, personalisation and content adoption based on learner styles. This study is proposed to explore how ontologies are being adopted systematically in instructional design. The educational learning systems of the leading Australian startups would be assessed for this purpose. The focus would be focusing on variants of eLearning Systems related to higher education. This study would require interdisciplinary research related to the fields of software engineering, educational technologies and the higher education system in Australia. This proposed study would be focusing on the technological perspective on how the design of educational technologies addresses the challenges in higher education.