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Project Management Assignment Question
Please choose either Option A or Option B below. Both options are of equal value.
Option A – Project/Program Progress Report with Recommendations
Assignment Task:
Choose a yet to be completed project or program (or a project/program at a point in time before completion) that you are interested in or familiar with. For example, Boeing's 787 program, the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) project, an upcoming wedding or event of a friend or family member, or a project/program that you are currently working on.
Option B – Project/Program Case Study Analysis
Assignment Task:
Choose a completed (or terminated) project or program that you are familiar with or interested in. Project/program case studies can be found from your own professional experience, in a number of textbooks, business magazines, newspaper articles and through the Library's databases (see link below).
Project Management Assignment Solution
In any Olympic Games project, the most important part of the planning and execution is maintaining sustainability. The sustainability in mega projects has two major aspects. The first is how integrated is the project with the environment, public, and society. Another aspect is how long the mega-project (in this case the Olympic Games) could be used efficiently. That is whether the Olympics structures and the building could be used efficiently post the completion of the games. We will now try to discuss the successes of the Olympic 2012 project.
· Financial Perspective: The London Olympics Games was planned with an estimated budget of 9.3 billion Pound by the London Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic games. However, in reality, the budget was 8.92 billion Pound which was 377 million Pound less than the estimated budget (Kirk, 2012). The budget savings predicted by LOCOG and the Olympic delivery authority though look small but are an impressive figure in reality.
· Health and Safety Perspective: Safety and health were given prime importance in the London Olympics project. Because of the huge construction work, safety was a serious concern throughout the execution of the project. However, the Olympic Delivery Authority was successful in reducing the frequency of accidents to as low as 1.7 per one million man hours (Government, 2011). Along with the reduction in accidents, the health of the workers was also given prime importance. Every month during the project phase of the Olympics more than 2000 workers was examined by the health department in the Village and on the park.
· Procurement & Supply Chain Management: Because of the vast nature of the project, procurement and supply chain management were both challenging jobs. For effective execution of the construction project, more than 8000 subcontracting opportunities were created by the Olympic Delivery Authority (Finch, 2012). Also, the best practices were learned and implemented in procurement with the involvement of a delivery partner.
· Time Perspective: In a nutshell, the London Olympics 2012 project was completed successfully on time. The high-quality stadium of Stratford which has a seating capacity of 80000 was completed in time. Also, the last major venue of the Olympic Games was completed almost a year ahead of the project (Ruddick, 2011). Though the project did see some delays they were bound to happen given the vastness of the project.
· Sustainability: To ensure that minimum harm is done to the environment, construction was done with the aim of long-lasting value generation. Because of effective strategies for sustainable project management, the carbon emissions were reduced almost by 50%. 98% of the materials used for construction was the one obtained from the demolition of previous buildings. The use of potable water for construction purposes was reduced to almost 57% (Government, 2011). The Village prepared was again sold to medium to low-income group people as affordable houses.
Thus, the 2012 Olympic Games project undertaken by the LOGOC and The ODA was successful from many perspectives and is therefore often used as a research case for project management people.
To understand the effectiveness of any project, an understanding of the effectiveness of the comprising processes and involved people is necessary. We will be discussing the processes and the people in London Olympic Games 2012 project one by one.
Processes Assessment
The construction project of such magnitude is supposed to be highly complex and comprised of several inter-related activities. The whole venue and infrastructure of the Olympic Games 2012 project were majorly comprised of 50 inter-related projects. All these projects were required to be completed along with the achievement of high quality, timeliness, within budget, sustainably and with safety and security (Randeree, 2014). To ensure the synchronized functioning of these inter-related projects rigorous strategies were planned by Olympic Delivery Authority for financials, operations, procurement and information transfer. To ensure that all the processes will be completed as planned, a Delivery Partner was selected (LOCOG, 2012). The delivery Partner has high experience in planning and implementing complex projects. Frequent monitoring and feedback of the in-process tasks were done and systematic reporting of the progress was followed. Efficient information systems were also procured and implemented to facilitate hassle-free smooth information flow between departments. A smooth information flow, as well as effective data management, helped in effective execution of the processes.
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