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Sociology Assignment Question
Assignment 1
Utilitarian ethical analysis
You must follow the ‘Assignment Planning’ activities in the SOC10236 Study Guide and all relevant online discussions concerning this assessment to perform well in this assignment.
You are required to select one of the five topics listed below and clearly define one focused and specific ethical question which you will analyse in parts a to f.
The five topics are
- Information technology and/or social media;
- Employment practices of multinational corporations;
- The taking of life: human or animal;
- The (non) response of business to climate change;
- Ethical issues relevant to friends and/or family.
Note: Save your assignment as a word document with the following file name:
Topic Number ? Your name.docx
Required tasks:
Select one of the five topics. Clearly and concisely define a specific ethical question in no more than one short sentence (1 mark).
Note: This is the most important stage of your assignment and it is not as easy as it seems. If you don’t clearly define the ethical problem/question then you cannot perform a focused ethical analysis. It is strongly recommended that you follow the guidelines for forming ethical questions posted on the online discussion forum and engage in the online and class discussions setup for this purpose.
- Explain why this specific ethical problem is important and in need of analysis? (2 marks)
- Identify and fully reference facts relevant to the analysis of your ethical question. (2 marks)
- Identify gaps in current understanding of this problem. What assumptions are required to fill these knowledge gaps? (1 mark)
- Analyse the ethical act central to your ethical question using act utilitarianism by forecasting three important positive and three important negative consequences. (3 marks)
- Provide an ethical conclusion which compares expected positive with negative consequences including an estimate as to whether net utility will rise or fall. (1 mark)
To assist your understanding, interpretation and planning for this assignment a hypothetical example is provided on the online discussion forum.
Assignment 2
Ethical analysis of news issue
You are required to select an ethical issue which has been reported in the news media in the past 12 months. Collect one recent (2016 or 2017) news article which identifies the issue, and perform further research to collect relevant background information and facts, to enable you to answer each question listed below.
This ethical issue must be different from the issue which you analysed in Assignment
1. You must provide a full reference for all sources of information you have used to inform your research. Provide separate answers to each of parts ‘a to e’ of this assessment under separate sections:
- Clearly define the ethical question/problem and provide a brief explanation as to why it is important. (3 marks)
- Identify facts and key assumptions which are relevant to your analysis of the ethical problem. (6 marks)
- Analyse the ethical problem using act utilitarianism, identifying all relevant consequences. Compare negative versus positive consequences and assess whether net utility will rise or fall as a result of the ethical act being examined. (8 marks)
- Apply Kant’s categorical imperative by defining the rule that authorises the act central to the ethical problem you have chosen. Discuss whether this rule can be applied universally. (8 marks)
- Provide a conclusion comparing results in parts c & d above identifying whether your ethical conclusion equates with your conscience with regards this problem. (5 marks)
You do not need to provide a copy of the news article but you must provide full references of all articles and other sources you have used to inform your ethical analysis.
Assignment 3
Ethics and sustainability analysis
Assessment tasks
- Select one important sustainability issue of global significance and express this issue in no more than one short sentence (2 marks).
Note: you cannot select a ‘climate change’ related sustainability issue as this is the issue chosen for the demonstration example provided in the online discussion. - Describe the main environmental elements of your chosen global sustainability issue (5 marks).
- Describe the critical social elements of this global sustainability issue
(5 marks). - Describe the key economic elements of this global sustainability issue
(5 marks). - Identify two major ethical problems which are strongly connected with your chosen global sustainability issue (2 marks).
- Discuss the two ethical problems identified in part 5 drawing on relevant ethical theory (8 marks).
- Your chosen global sustainability issue presents both significant threats and opportunities for business. Discuss these major threats and opportunities.
(5 marks).
Your chosen global sustainability issue will contain multiple causes of unsustainability and will cause actions which are considered unethical. You are required to propose an ethical and sustainable solution to the problems which underpin this global sustainability issue. This proposed solution should address causes of unsustainability, as well as financial, technological and behavioural barriers to removing these causes of unsustainability
(8 marks).
Sociology Assignment Solution
Sustainability is concerned with maintaining a balance in the ecology. Depletion of resources and scarcity has been a critical sustainability issue across the globe. Various forums and global agencies have been formed to regulate and compare various national interventions to suggest agendas for defaulting nations. The current resources that lie in the threat zone are water, coal, oil/ natural gas, and resources extracted from the earth. All of these resources are natural, and it is difficult to be created by man. The report studies vital environmental issues related to the global trend in the scarcity of resources. The political system, climate, technology influence the trends of scarcity and preservation. It is vital to have knowledge of the contributing elements so that the right interventions are applied in the management of scarce resources. Elements in society have an impact on the depletion of resources and their management. Ideals in a society influence the trends of use and management. Group structures help in allotment and balance of depletion of resources. The culture that societies have also indicated the response of society to depletion of resources. Leaders play vital roles in maintaining the sustainability of resources and create systems that would justify the allocation of resources and their preservation for the future generation. Understanding economic elements in relation to the scarcity of resources are vital. The investment, manufacture, trade and distribution activities in a country would indicate the use and management of scarce resources. Major ethical issues across the globe arise in the price of resources for consumers. The allotment of scarce resources is yet another ethical issue. The principles behind various theories on ethics help to make ethical decisions. The business should respond to threats and use opportunities. The causes of sustainability and understanding them help to create the right interventions. Finance right technology and systems help to strike a balance.