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Business Management Assignment Question
Case study of common wealth bank
Word count- 2050
Attachments include:
- Simple explanation guide to this assignment
- Previous assignment of environmental analysis of common wealth bank
- CRA- grading sheet- guidance on how it will be graded
- Lecture slides required for this assignment (very important)
- APA referencing guide….
Read more in the complete solution PDF document at the end of this page.
Business Management Assignment Case-Study-of-Common-Wealth-Bank
Mission and Governance
Commonwealth Bank Australia operates with the mission of becoming the finest financial services organization with a high level of customer service. The company operates with the philosophy that success achieved with customers will have a direct impact on the benefit to shareholders, which in turn will build the organization's reputation.
The mode of governance is directly aligned with the organization's mission where stress is placed on four key areas namely, People, Customers, Shareholders and Community, as illustrated in Figure 1 given below.
Figure 1: Areas in which governance is aligned with the mission (, 2014)
With regard to the employees or 'People' within the firm, the company works with the mission of engaging them and providing them adequate value for their work. Similarly, with respect to the customers, the company works towards building the best kind of service experience which customers would always appreciate. With respect to creating value for the shareholders, the firm works towards creating best quartile returns. And, with the welfare of community embedded in its mission, the governance is aimed at being respected and admired by the society at large.