Popular Questions for Computer Networking Assignments
To help students understand the wide variety of assistance with Computer Networking Assignment questions we have successfully delivered in the past, we are showcasing a small sample of University Assessments related to Computer Networking.
Q.How can competitive advantages gained via IS/IT be sustained?
Q..What are the tools Techniques used for the Password attack?
Q..What are countermeasures techniques used to counter the attack?
Q..What are most common tools used to carry as attack Password attacks?
Q..A brief explanation of the criteria that you used to compare the two tools.
Q. Discuss at least one (1) successful and one (1) unsuccessful examples of the use of IS/IT for gaining or enhancing competitive advantages.
Q.. Highlight some success factors for the successful example.
Q.. What are some lessons learned (i.e., what went wrong?) for your unsuccessful example?
Q.. Suggest some internal (e.g., organizational, individual, and management factors) and external factors (e.g., market, industry, social, economic, technological and political/policy factors) influencing the success or failure of organisations’ attempts at gaining and enhancing competitive advantages? Are internal factors more important than external factors? Or the other way around?
Q.. How can competitive advantages gained via IS/IT be sustained?
Q.You are working as a software developer for a small company developing learning materials which you put into a learning management system for use in online learning environments. Your clients are colleges which provide services to students in schools all around the world. One of your clients works with children with disabilities. You are working on material which is to be used by children in hospital and rehabilitation who have suffered trauma through an accident. These children live all around Australia, in country areas and in city facilities. The sorts of injury they have suffered include loss of sight, partially and fully blinded, limited body movement including loss of the use of their hands.
What are some of the issues you will have to think about as you design and implement your software to support your client and their students?
Q. Write about half a page in answer to this. Discuss your work with your classmates.
Q. MusicOnDemand is a new subscription-based service for on-demand Internet streaming audio media. There are three types of users for MusicOnDemand:
1. Standard users;
2. Premium users;
3. Maintainers.
Standard and Premium users are able to log in, renew their subscriptions, search and have access to the standard audio library. In addition, Premier users have access to the latest release library. Maintainers are able to log in, add songs, modify user’s subscriptions, search for any type of songs, and read the audit log involving users’ activities.
An unregistered individual can obtain access to the system via an automatic procedure involving the payment of the subscription through the DBTI bank: such a procedure can be audited by maintainers.
You are assigned to be part of the threat modelling team. You need to follow the main steps of the threat modelling process as presented in the course:
1. Decompose the application using data flow diagrams, system architecture diagrams, and a table describing the main components and users
of the system;
2. Determine 6 serious threats to the system using the STRIDE model and threat trees: they must refer to distinct classes of the STRIDE model;
3. Rank the threats by decreasing risk using the DREAD model and tables of threats description for each threat identified;
4. Choose how to respond to each threat;
5. Choose techniques to mitigate the threats;
6. Choose the appropriate technologies for the identified techniques.
Q.Research Project Methodology:
- You need to write a research project methodology to conduct a study for your article.
- Use the title of your research project as the title of your assignment, so that the subject coordinator/teaching staff knows which study you are doing.
- Your research plan should address in great detail the following areas about your chosen or proposed research study or research topic.
ITC713 201660 W D-1 June 2016-Version 1
Your research methodology should
State the research questions or hypothesis(s) related to your topic (if applicable) Make clear aim or objective of the research
- Discuss the research methodology to be used
- Provide justification (using theory or experimental evidence) for your choice of the methodology
- Comment on your choice of the research paradigm (if applicable) Describe all the experimental setup and/or framework (if applicable)
- Describe all the steps you will take to collect data and analyses it (if applicable) Describe the experiments to be designed (if applicable)
- Describe the tools to be used to test the hypothesis(s) (if applicable)
- Describe the steps to be taken to ensure the reliability and validity of your data (quantitative)
- Describe steps to be taken to ensure the trustworthiness of your results (qualitative)
- Setup quantifiable measure for the research outcome (if applicable)
- Have a conclusion
- List the bibliographic references at the end of your work that correspond to your in-text citations
- Be written clearly, with well-organized content
- You should use the APA referencing style adopted by the Faculty of Business.
The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (http://wikimediafoundation.org/) is a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free, multilingual, educational content, and to providing the full content of these wiki-‐based projects to the public free of charge. The Wikimedia Foundation operates some of the largest collaboratively edited reference projects in the world; you are probably most familiar with Wikipedia which is a free encyclopedia and is available in over 50 languages (see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias for a list of languages).
Information on all the projects that are the core of the Wikimedia Foundation available at
Aggregated page view statistics for Wikimedia projects is available at http://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/pagecounts-‐raw/. This page gives access to files that contain the total hourly page views for Wikimedia project pages by page. Information on the file format is given on this page view statistics page.
Required Tasks
The task of this assignment is twofold:
- 1. Use HDFS and MapReduce to identify the popularity of Wikipedia projects by the number of pages of each Wikipedia site which were accessed over an x hour period. Your job should allow you to directly identify from the output the most popular Wikipedia sites accessed over the time period selected. You can choose whichever x hour period you wish from the files available on the page view statistics page, with the constraint that x>=6.
- 2. Use HDFS and MapReduce to identify the average page count per language over the same period, ordered by page count.
- In this Assignment, you will characterize a social network on Twitter using the NodeXL Twitter Import feature. To use this feature, you must first sign up for an account at Twitter.com. You are not required to actually use the Twitter service yourself in order to carry out this research; you only have to sign up for an account
- Open NodeXL, be sure that you have the NodeXL tab selected on top, and select Import->From Twitter Search Network…
- The first time you use NodeXL Twitter search, a pop-up window should appear. In order to carry out Twitter searches, you must authorize NodeXL to be used by your Twitter account. Select the option in the pop-up window that reads “I have a Twitter account, but I have not yet authorized NodeXL to use my account to import Twitter networks. Take me to Twitter’s authorization page.” After you authorize NodeXL, you’ll be given a verifying number to enter back within the NodeXL program.
- Now try your own search. Change the option “Limit to 100 people” to “Limit to 500 people,” and be sure to try and make a search that won’t return too many Tweets — to save its computer power, Twitter will only let you do so many searches every hour, and the bigger the search you make the more likely that Twitter will put you on hold. Search for “trees” or “Justin Bieber” and you’ll get flooded with results. A good search is one that not too many people talk about, but that a few people talk a lot about. Find a network with a fair amount of replies, mentions, retweets etc. Take some time to experiment with different searches until you find a Twitter network interesting to you. Use the visualization options in NodeXL to look at the structure of conversation and decide what’s interesting.
- Having found an interesting Twitter network, create a meaningful sociogram/graph in which you use node (vertex) design and edge design to depict patterns in who is having Twitter conversations with whom. Include this sociogram in your assignment.
- Use the Graph Metrics command in NodeXL to measure as many network characteristics regarding your Twitter network as possible. Be sure to report these network characteristics in your assignment.
- Referring to the graph/sociogram and network characteristics where appropriate, discuss your choice of a Twitter search and patterns in the resulting network that you obtained. What of importance do these results indicate?
- Right click your graph/sociogram and click on copy image. Then paste the image onto a word processing document. Post your assignment as a word processing document to the appropriate Blackboard section.
Q.LO 1: Identify the importance of information to organisations and society in general; LO 2: Describe and apply concepts, principles and techniques relating to the security of information; and
LO 5: Demonstrate an understanding of the advantages, disadvantages, threats, and vulnerabilities associated with various IT environments.
Jack Doe is the Community Liaison Officer for 3D Media Comm. Ltd based in Perth, Western Australia. 3D Media Comm. Ltd is an inventive company developing and selling social media marketing to small businesses. The design and production of all products is handled electronically, directly with each business. 3D Media Comm. Ltd currently has 40% of the market in WA, with the remaining 50% held by much larger advertising agencies, and the final 10% by those developing mobile apps for social media marketing. Jack spends half of his day on the road in the Perth metro area visiting small businesses who may wish to purchase and social media marketing into their existing marketing activities. Consequently, Jack carries a laptop, smart phone and Surface Pro 4 with him everywhere he goes. The laptop encompasses an Intel i5 CPU, 8GB RAM, and is running Windows 10 Professional with the last Windows update applied towards the end of January, 2015. When in the office Jack connects his laptop and Surface Pro to the company network.
Jack predominantly uses Microsoft Office Professional 2013 for all his business needs.
Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel contain the information for all clients within Western Australia, as well as client confidential business and financial information. Jack is not well informed about information security although he uses computing technology to support his job. As a result Jack does not use third party firewalls, anti-virus software, encryption, or authentication mechanisms.
While on the road, Jack occasionally leaves his laptop in the car. He also frequently visits Internet cafes for lunch where he utilises the Internet for up to an hour each day. The confidentiality of information is important as any disclosure could cause significant embarrassment to him and the company, as well as impact client privacy and confidence. Also, Jack must provide correct, factual information to all clients hence ensuring the integrity of information is vital. Lastly, should any information not be available when needed, this may result in clients taking their business to the new to market competitor.
Utilising the background information, draw a concept map or annotated attack tree which represents the context of Jack’s 3D Media Comm. Ltd work environment and also demonstrates:
- the links the data Jack uses and keeps, and the aims of security (CIA) –i.e. what information needs protecting, why and what aspect of CIA does this related to?;
- the associated attacks which could breach each of these aims in this scenario;
- the likelihood (risk) that any attack in this scenario poses;
- the impact each attack may have;
- the resultant countermeasures which could be applied in this scenario; the relative cost of each countermeasure; and the mitigation effect of the countermeasure.(CSI2102)