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Psychology Assignment Question
Jason Matthew Patrick Moran (22 September 1967 – 21 June 2003) was an Australian criminal from Melbourne, and one of the leaders of the Moran family, notable for its involvement in the Melbourne gangland killings. He sported a 12 cm scar on the side of his face.
Required elements |
· Selects a theory covered in this course |
· Briefly defines key theoretical words and terms |
· Accurately interprets theoretical concepts |
· Identifies criminal |
· Briefly describes the crime itself |
· Identifies key aspects of selected theory relevant to the case study |
· Supports all claims made with appropriate references |
· Highlights the main arguments and conclusions |
· Provides a well thought-out essay plan |
· Logically groups and orders ideas |
· Effectively integrates information from different sources |
Psychology Assignment Solution on Psychology on Crime
Human behavior, including the criminal behavior as well as its responses could be easily understood upon applying the tools of psychology. Psychology involves furnishing of the hypotheses related to the underlying mechanisms (psychological), which plausibly could be a component of that causal chain that leads to the criminal behavior as well as its responses. Provided that all the psychological mechanisms need environmental input to be activated, these hypotheses involve specifications related to the circumstances within which the criminal behavior remains likely for the action or inhibition (Buss D. &., 2008). Social learning happens to be a theory explaining acquisition, maintenance as well as changes in the criminal as well as deviant behavior t embracing social, nonsocial as well as cultural factors motivating and controlling criminal behavior for the promotion and undermining of conformity. The fundamental proposition remains the very same process of learning in the context such as social structure, situation, and interaction, produces both the conforming as well as deviant behavior. This paper describes the case of Jason Moran with the concepts of social learning theory related to crime and deviance…
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The probability concerning criminal and/or conforming behavior remains a function related to the balancing of such influences upon behavior of those functioning in their history of learning history, in addition to those functioning at any given time within any given situation, apart from those whose future behavior could be predicted (Buss D. &., 2008).
In social learning theory concepts, propositions as well as variables have a wide recognition leading the criminologists to determine empirical status as well as future directions related to the crime. The four primary explanatory concepts of the social learning theory:–
Differential association
Differential reinforcement
Imitation. …
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Application of the theories on criminal behavior
(Buss, 2008), proposes hybrid of all the above, and is known as exploitative acquisition of resource. In the context of Jason Moran, he started using the mechanism of exploitative acquisition of resource entailing the procurement of resources by acquiring them from other individuals by using tactics relating to force, threat, terrorism, coercion, deception, violence, manipulation, or murder, and all of the consequences could have been influenced by the happenings under differential associations and differential reinforcements. Tactics related to the exploitative acquisition of resource under social learning theories could be applied by the individuals, co-operative dyads, or some sort of coalitions (such as gangs of the war parties). In this case Jason Moran was applying this very tactic for the acquisition of resources…
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Crime Derived from Ancestral Adaptations
The cross-cultural evidences relating to traditional cultures of both modern as well as ancestral societies would be brimming having abundant evidences indicating that certain behaviors like stealing, assault, intimate violence by partner, sexual assault, including the instances of stalking as well as murder indeed remain and surely remained quite usual phenomena (Chagnon, 1983). Exploiting any kind of resources, originally belonging to others, often happens to be a rapid mode of the acquisition of resource. Here comes the theory of imitation from social learning theory. Any success in the activity of stealing ensures resources a quick manner as compared to the hard-earned resource. The person sees somebody having success at doing crime and he starts copying that. Sexual assault, on the other hand leads to any instance of sexual access rather quickly as compared to longer process leading to honest courtship…
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These concepts related to social learning describes sets of variables, which are all a part related to the very particular underlying process operating in the learning history of each and every individual (learning from others as well as influencing others too), within the immediate circumstances within which any opportunity concerning a crime happens, and that too its social contexts are much larger (taking place at meso-level as well as macro-level both) (Buss D. &., 2008). The process of social learning happens to be dynamic as well as includes the reciprocal as well as feedback effects. Reinforcements in the conditioning of operant happen to be the process of response-stimulus-response within which the behavior produces some kind of consequences, which in turn generate the probability related to the reoccurrence of such types of behavior…