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The Multiple Intelligence Classroom
Mr. Hooper is a fifth-grade teacher at Mt. General Elementary School. He believes very strongly in Gardner’s theory of intelligence and that students have various areas of relative strength and weakness. He has attended numerous workshops regarding the application of multiple intelligence theory in the classroom. Over the years, he has developed a classroom that he believes fosters development in all of Gardner’s eight “Frames of Mind.”
Mr. Hooper’s classroom is bright and cheerful. On the walls hang motivational posters that he believes help children to think about who they are and what they want out of life. In addition, the walls are covered with student-produced art.
The room has a “conversation area,” a “naturalist area,” and a “reading area,” as well as the main area where each table accommodates four students. The conversation and reading areas have beanbag chairs so students can be comfortable and are set apart by rolling bookcases. The naturalist area consists of a table filled with rocks, bird nests, shells, and other objects that Mr. Hooper’s students have found. Mr. Hooper is also fortunate enough to have three computers in his room.
Mr. Hooper believes that allowing students to work in each academic area within their areas of strength will enhance learning. Therefore, when studying the American Revolution, students whose strength is in linguistic intelligence engage in research and write about what they have found. Those whose strength is spatial intelligence create maps of the colonies and battles. Those whose strength is logical-mathematical reasoning compute distances between points and estimate the amount of time required for soldiers to travel. Students with high naturalistic intelligence discuss the various plants and animals likely to be found in different regions of the colonies and discuss whether colonial soldiers could have eaten them to ward off starvation.
To ensure that bodily-kinesthetic needs are met, Mr. Hooper regularly has his students stand and either run in place or jump up and down. Interpersonal intelligence needs are met for all students through the use of cooperative learning groups. Intrapersonal intelligence needs are met through journaling. Mr. Hooper always has music playing while the students are working to help meet students’ musical intelligence needs.
1. To what extent do you believe Mr. Hooper has appropriately implemented Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences? Why?
Ans-Include a basic understanding of Gardner’s theory. Can use the link for the same: http://www.tecweb.org/styles/gardner.html
-What all components have been covered by Mr. Hooper can be present to show extent of implementation. Give an exact opinion like quite an amount, negligible, completely to present your perspective of “extent of implementation”.
-Justify your answer to “extent of implementation”. Can add an example like: 4or 5 out of 7 components of intelligence is depicted hence I suggest “quite an extent”
-Avoid giving descriptions on how implementation can be enhanced.
2.What do you think students’ reactions to this classroom would be? Why?
Ans-This calls for your reflection based on case study. Use terms like “That’s why”, “Therefore” to present your personal stand along with a justification of “why” do you have a particular opinion.
Try giving an analyzed opinion that presents all expected reactions to be summed up be it positive or negative
-Can give some examples from the case that help you depict student’s reaction.
-Can make use of some literature that depict positive outcome or negative outcome, based on your stand, of Gardner’s theory.
3.How do you think parents would respond? Why?
Ans-The best it would be if you can bring out a wide range of varied opinions expected. Point out some positive as well as some negative approach that may come up in such a scenario.
– Search for the probable opinions of parents when new methods of teaching are implemented. The opinions can be sum mated by analyzing the benefits and drawbacks of the concept. And relating them from a parents and student’s perspective.
4.How could you improve on Mr. Hooper’s ideas?
Search for different classroom teaching techniques. Make use of university websites like https://www.brown.edu/about/administration/sheridan-center/teaching-learning/effective-classroom-practices/interactive-classroom-activities.
-Try relating best techniques identified with the class in case.
-Justify comparative benefit of suggestive technique.
-The suggested technique needs to be an added on advantage on the presently implemented technique.
-Keep in mind not to suggest an independent new technique as this would change the main basis of the case.
-All possible improvisations on existing technique, that can be taken up by Mr. Hooper’s can be listed.