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Human Resource Assignment Question
Question 1
Should organizations be concerned about their employees being sleep-deprived? What factors influencing sleep might be more or less under the control of an organization?
Question 2
How might reinforcement theory play a role in the extent to which employees are sleep-deprived?
Question 3
How might sleep deprivation influence aspects of expectancy theory? How might the incorporation of 'nap rooms' for sleep-deprived employees influence aspects of equity theory?
Question 4
If you were a manager who noticed your employees were sleep-deprived, what steps might you take to help them? What theories of motivation could you use to help them?
Human Resource Assignment Solution
Employees being sleep deprived is a serious concern in today's corporate world. Sleep deprivation can lead to serious health issues and negatively impact the productivity of employees. As a manager, if I notice that my employees are sleep deprived, I would first try to understand the root cause. If the root cause is due to long hours in the office, I would try to ensure that the workload is equally divided within the team so that few members of the team are not overstretched. If the root cause is due to the fact that employees are stressed, I would take steps to ensure that the employees are de-stressed by rolling out periodic fun activities which would allow the employees to de-stress.
I would try to motivate the employees to have a work-life balance and having a healthy lifestyle. I would use the below motivation theories to help the employees:
Cognitive Evaluation Theory
There are two motivation systems in cognitive evaluation theory i.e. extrinsic and intrinsic which refers to two types of motivators. Achievements, competence and responsibility that come from the intrinsic interest of the task are called intrinsic motivators. The pay, feedback, payment, working conditions that come from the environment of a person which is controlled by another person is called extrinsic motivators (Maehr,et al., 1997). The employees should be appreciated and they should be made to feel that they have contributed to the growth of the organization. Employees should be given good training which would help them to effectively discharge their duties and improve productivity. The working environment of the employees could be improved by
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