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Project Management Question
Evaluating dimensions and impact of change in organizational performance after a change in organizational structure and culture at British Airways
Project Management Solution
The essay considers the impact of change in organizational performance. The same has been considered to be of importance when the case of British Airlines has been evaluated, that helped the company to deliver exceptional performance results after implementation of change. The dimensions considered for change include majorly structure and cultures, which are the major components, as identified based on reviewing literature. As a reference, the project case has been considered, in which culture as a component of change has been discussed as implemented in British Airways in the early 80’s. Also, the essay identifies the various other changes that have been successfully implemented in British Airways. A considered point is the selected tenure of a decade from 1980 to 1990, when major changes like privatisation, top management change was witnessed. By way of implementing project management technique of benchmarking and Litwin model, the essay towards its conclusion is able to prove the change to be positively impacting British Airways and improvising of the human resource approach in management and leaders playing the role model to be the strongest reasons for the turnaround change.
Organizational change has become the buzzword in the 21st century. With the widespread impact of change on an organization, the critics have gone deep into analysing the impacts and evaluating the various dimensions that get affected by the organizational change (Marković 2008). British Airways, the largest airline in terms of fleet size in the United Kingdom, has shown true business capabilities and a turnaround change from its state of dissolving to the flag carrier position by successful change implementation (British Airways 2008-09). The essay would bring out all points of change that have been considered to be important as per project case as well as identified literature. An analysis of the various dimensions that are usually impacted in change, considering the big leap made by the company in its overall performance by the implementation of the changes, would also be done. This would not only help other organizations, who are being considered stakeholders for the case, to apply similar changes for betterment but also employees and employers on the individual basis can be profited. The project management theories, that can be or are used, would be analysed by implementing them in the case and also its success would be evaluated as part of the essay. Considering the facts mentioned, an effort would be put in the essay, as part of the project, to measure and compare the existing available literature and the project case, which analyses the changing culture at British Airways during the phase of the early ’80s. The essay would also extend to motivate organizations to take up change which still follows the old culture and structure of British Airways. Along with, the essay would serve as a “food for thought” for researchers in this field. Though there are a number of objectives that are being looked upon, to be accomplished under the project, by means of the essay, still considering the nature and expected results, which would be qualitative, the budget allocated for the project is tried to be kept as low as possible.