External Referral Letter For Road Occupancy Permit -

External Referral Letter For Road Occupancy Permit

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Prepare referral/memo sheets to 3 relevant bodies (e.g. water authority, bushfire authority, roads authority, tree preservation officer (council), etc.)  These are to include 1 internal (within an organisation such as council) and 2 external referrals.

Economics Assignment Solution

Applicant Details

Name of Applicant: Waterview Investment Limited

Application Number: DA- 188/2015

Application Address: Lot21 28A Thorpe PI. Baysview, NSW 2212

Assessing Officer for the applicant: Peter 

Available Industry and Environmental Expertise: Civil and geotechnical project undertaking and project management 

Project – Brief Outline

Project Title: Construction of a private water purifier and bottling plant.

Project Location: The property lot lies in a city neighborhood. The address of the property is Lot No. 21, 28A, Baysview, New South Wales 2212. 

The adjoining road is a typical locality road with moderate traffic flow. It is a local government road. The road is one of primary arterial roads used by the local community.

Short Project Description: The project involves the construction of a water purifier plant. Resources required for the construction processes like machinery, power supply and materials will be needed to be kept on the adjoining road in front of the property lot. Various phases of the project like excavation, foundation placement, water pipe placements, etc. will also necessitate extensive digging and excavation of the adjoining road.

The project’s initial scope is to purify approximately two hundred thousand liters of water every day. 

Project Description

Aim/Objectives of the project: The project aims to purify two hundred thousand liters of run-off water daily through process of Ultra Violet Ray Filtration, Reverse Osmosis and Charcoal Purification, and simultaneously bottle the purified water for commercial purposes.

  • Acquire impure runoff, waste and normal tap water and apply various state of the art water purification processes to cleanse & purify the water completely.
  • Achieve water efficiency, employ energy-efficient techniques and measures, and properly drain off wastewater into the sewage systems, thereby minimizing any negative environmental impacts.
  • Establish underground pipe networks in the adjoining roads required for inlets and outlets of water.
  • Ensure that the adjoining road is restored to a proper working condition after completion of the construction project. 
  • Minimize impacts on the surface and groundwater quality and levels.
  • Minimize noise impacts on neighboring properties during the construction process.
  • Protect and preserve the existing landscape and vegetation & ensuring no damage is done to those natural entities.

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