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Health Management Question
• Briefly describe a facilitation related event that you have been involved in or observed either as a student. an employee or a recipient of health care. Discuss the event using Johns ( 1995) framework of structured reflection.
• What aspect’s Of the event were you uncertain about that might be explored in more detail. what madc you go “Hmmm”? Analyse evidence including journal articles on the uncertainty.
• Synthesise what you have learnt as a result of your reflection and subsequent research to provide an argument for the implications Of this learning for professional practice including strategies for action planning.
• Incorporate into your argument (supported by evidence) why the ability to be a reflective practitioner is a vital health professional capability.
Health Management Solution
Experience of the Facilitation Event
The facilitation event was organized in terms of compulsory education session for the entire nursing staff with the objective of enhancing the awareness of nurse practitioners regarding workplace hazards while caring for the patients affected with various infectious conditions. The attributions and skills of the healthcare professionals required for analyzing the environmental hazards in the healthcare settings discussed at length by the facilitator during the training session. The experience of the facilitation program remained quite enthusiastic as I had the opportunity to understand and explore the roles and responsibilities of the healthcare providers and non-healthcare professionals in terms of practicing remedial approaches for mitigating the adverse influence of workplace hazards while extending care and assistance while dealing with the infectious conditions. The facilitator treated the entire pupil with utmost dignity and tolerance while following the stipulations of professional conduct specified by evidence-based research literature (Zwozdiak-Myers, 2012, p. 185). The facilitation event initiated with the introduction about reflective practice and its requirement for improving the healthcare strategies by nurse professionals in the context of increasing the quality of care provided to the infected patients across various healthcare facilities, including the inpatient’s wards as well as the outpatient units. The facilitator explained various practical scenarios related to the clinical practice and cited examples of practical reflection for improving the patient outcomes. The learning obtained from the training session provided considerable support in performing care for infected patients while decreasing the scope of workplace hazards across the clinical setting. The communicative role of the facilitator followed the norms of reflective practice, as specified by the evidence-based clinical literature (Beverley, 2010, p. 137).
Reflection: I followed the norms of John’s (1995) model of structured reflection for enhancing my understanding regarding the facilitation event organized by the trainer for accomplishing the healthcare objective (Jasper, et al., 2013). I attempted to understand and identify the requirement in the context of evaluating the predisposition factors attributing to workplace hazards that pose challenges while caring for the patients affected with infectious conditions. I collaborated with the facilitator and attempted to attain insight regarding various nosocomial infectious and their manifestations that prevalently impact the health of the medical professionals while extending their assistance to the patient population. I tried to develop a thorough understanding regarding configuring control plan for treating the infectious diseases while mitigating the adverse effects of workplace hazards across the clinical setting. I also attempted exploring strategies for educating fellow workers and individuals of multidisciplinary healthcare staff in the context of workplace procedures and safe work practices for challenging the influence of workplace hazards across the clinical setting while treating the patients affected with infectious diseases. Strategies were explained by the facilitator for tracking the reported events related to workplace exposure required effective understanding during the classroom session. However, the question answer session assisted in clarifying the concerns related to workplace strategies and that provided further insight regarding the treatment approaches for handling adverse events encountered among the healthcare workers while assisting the patient population. I attempted to re-experience the feelings regarding workplace hazards while discussing the doubts with facilitator regarding the consequences of workplace hazards and undertaking a comparative analysis of different adverse events in the light of John’s framework of structured reflection as specified in the evidence-based academic literature (Hogston & Marjoram, 2011, p. 82).