Facility and Risk Management for Hospitality Operations -

Facility and Risk Management for Hospitality Operations

Sample Assignments

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Business Management Question

Assessment 1:  

Develop a Case history and a Venue Condition Assessment Form.

Prior to commencing the assessment you will need to select a venue to assess. If you currently  work in a hospitality venue, then it is recommended to choose this because of ease of access.  Otherwise, you can choose a venue you are familiar with and have relatively easy access to. It is  beneficial if you are able to speak with the proprietors/managers to gain proprietary information.  The selected venue needs to be in the same town as the campus at which you are studying (except  for online students). Unless you have the express permission of your tutor and/or the Unit  Assessor, the venue MUST NOT be in country other than Australia. 

There are two parts to this Assessment which assess the learning in Topics 2 – 5. 

Part 1: Case History (250 words) 

You are required to write a brief case history of your chosen venue, and this should be considered  as a prelude to Assessment 2. The case history should include; 

  • A description of the venue, its location, size and purpose. 
  • A history of the site, including any refurbishments or improvements. Providing values for  these will add context and value. 
  • Current operating condition and maintenance schedule of the venue. 
  • A floor plan for the relevant Venue Condition Assessment 

Please note that it is insufficient to simply cut & paste information from the venue’s web site into  your case history. You must use paraphrasing and properly reference the source of your  information. Please see http://libguides.scu.edu.au/harvard for information about how to  reference a web site, personal communication, and other sources you may use.

Part 2: Create a blank Venue Condition Assessment form, using the Microsoft Excel  spreadsheet provided.  

A VCA form is a record that allows the assessed condition of a venue to be measured. Its format  is open to interpretation, however, a standard format may include; 

  • A table or spreadsheet in landscape format. 
  • A vertical menu on the left hand side that covers critical components of the venue. Section  headings may include, for example, structure, fixtures and fittings, equipment, services.  Details of each section should then be listed. 
  • A horizontal menu across the top will list how the venue will be assessed / evaluated and  must include at least one theoretical framework. 

You have been provided with a draft VCA form in Microsoft Excel format. This can be found under  “Forms and checklists” on the learning site. For this assessment task, you need to spend time  conducting a visual audit of the items in the venue that you will report on for the second  assessment task. Thus, in the spreadsheet for this assessment task, you simply need to list of all  the facility assets (walls, tables, refrigerators, ovens, coffee machines, etc.) in the left column of  the VCA form. 

NB: Do not undertake the actual venue condition assessment now. You are designing the form  that will be used in Assessment 2 when the actual VCA will be conducted. You will have the  chance to adjust the form between Assessments 1 and 2 after you received feedback. 

NBB: There is no need for Recommendations in this report. 

Submission instructions: Turnitin allows only a single file submission. Therefore students are  required to take a screen shot using, for example, the Windows 10 “Snipping tool”. To do this: 

  • Use the Zoom function in Excel to only see the relevant area of the spreadsheet Use the Snipping Tool to highlight the area you wish to use 
  • Use the copy function to copy the highlighted area to the clipboard 

Return to your Word document and use the Paste function to place the image of the  spreadsheet in the appropriate location in your document

Assessment 2:  

Venue Design Analysis.

This assessment requires an analysis of both the design and the condition of a venue. It assesses  the learning in Topics 2 – 5. The assessment should be written in an Executive Report format and  there are two main parts in the body of this assessment. The selected venue needs to be in the  same town as the campus at which you are studying (except for online students). Unless you have  the express permission of your tutor and/or the Unit Assessor, the venue MUST NOT be in country  other than Australia. 

Part One: Venue Design Analysis (~750 words) 

Using the concepts and theory discussed in the readings and the study guide, explain the  importance of venue design, and analyse whether proper design principles have been applied to  your chosen venue.  

  • Has the intended purpose of the design been achieved?  
  • Have the objectives of the various stakeholders been met?  
  • Are there other considerations that were, or should have, been made in the design of the  venue? 

Part Two: Venue Condition Assessment (~750 words) 

Using the theory in the readings and the study guide, explain the rationale behind a Venue  Condition Assessment based on:  

  • the theory, and  
  • the objectives – why we use it, and
  • challenges – why sometimes it is hard to obtain the information, etc. and  
  • benefits associated with such an appraisal.  

Assess the condition of your chosen venue using the VCA form created in Assessment 1 (with  modifications after feedback).  

The purpose behind a venue condition analysis is to provide recommendation to management  about assets that may, for example, be nearing the end of their life cycle and will need  replacement, or assets that may be damaged and require repair. As such, your VCA assessment  must include recommendations that are succinct, yet provide enough details for management to  act.

Assessment 3:  

Risk Assessment Report. 

This assignment requires you to consider the risks to physical, non-physical, financial and human  assets (detailed individually at your venue). It assesses the learning in Topics 6 – 10. The  assessment should be written in an Executive Report format and there are two main parts in the  body of this assessment. The selected venue needs to be in the same town as the campus at which  you are studying (except for online students). Unless you have the express permission of your  tutor and/or the Unit Assessor, the venue MUST NOT be in country other than Australia. 

Part One: The notion of Risk (1,000 – 1,500 words) 

Using the concepts and theory discussed in the readings and the study guide, critically evaluate  the concept of “Risk”. For instance, what is it? What is subject to risk? Why is it considered  essential for a hospitality business to implement a risk management process?  

Part Two: Venue Risk Analysis (1,000 – 1,500 words) 

This section requires you to demonstrate your understanding of how to practically apply a risk  management process by conducting a risk assessment of a venue. It is suggested you use the  venue selected for Assessments 1 and 2.  

There are two critical components to this part; 

  • A Risk Ranking System – this is the “how” risks will be assessed.
  • A Venue Risk Analysis (VRA) form – this the tool used to measure risk.

Business Management Solution

1. Part 1: Venue Design Analysis

1.1. Principles and concept of venue design analysis

The principle of venue design analysis depicts the process of analysing sustainability of venue designing for facilitating delightful and memorable experience to clients or event patrons (Hensel and Nilsson, 2016; SCU, 2018). The concept associated with venue design analysis reflects that this analysis is required for the managers so as to critically analyse the conditions, appropriateness and deficiencies of venue for making a further enhancement to satisfy the purpose and objectives concerned with the venue. Thus, the venue design analysis seeks to increase demand and revenue linked to the venue as well as provides benefits to the stakeholders (Hensel and Nilsson, 2016). 

1.2. Venue design as it applied to the chosen venue

1.2.1. Design for function

The Design of Surfers Century Apartment is noted to be effectively applied for conduction of desired functions over there. For example, the customers can utilise facilities of functional aspects involving concierge, baby changing room as well as the reception area for conducting concerned functions. Moreover, it is also analysed that this venue has a swimming pool where pool parties and day functions can be organised by the customers (Surfers Century, n.d). The apartments also comprise cooking equipment, refrigerators, personal care equipment and conveyance so as to conduct food event, get prepared for parties and transport guests easily through conveyance. The buffet area is also found to be excellent that helps in carrying out food service functions effectively in the venue (Surfers Century, n.d).

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