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Linguistics Assignment Question
It is the undergraduate student level.
The word limit is 1,000 and the STRUCTURE and REFERENCE are extremely important.
I want to ask this essay structure looks like, (intro, body, body, conclusion)
The footnotes and citation must provide the page number for example, (Kimura, 2004: 34)
I hope this essay is very formed with the following structure and would be enough quality to get over 70 percentage mark.
Please note that footnotes and references are required for this essay.
I hope this essay include the own ideas(own opinion to the each readings) and never throw in references to other articles, for no obvious reason.
This essay should be like, discuss about what can I get out from these 2 readings(What I think about these articles.).
Linguistics Assignment Solution
There are critics who justify these nude portrayals by saying that it helps in releasing the work or school pressure from the minds of the men. In what ways can this justification be analyzed is one of the purposes of the present paper? The author presents a continuity of this female sexuality in cartoons and in the corporate get-together parties. According to her, there is a special attraction to have verbal sex in such parties with the women of different class. If the men cannot establish a relationship with the women of a different class and status, they like to gaze them or have the verbal sexual conversation in order to satisfy their inner desires. Freud's theory of scopophilia, the pleasure in looking, explains the genital process and progress in young boys when they look at the naked female bodies (Allison, 2000: 34)[1]. They develop a sexual object at the time of puberty by doing so. The author tries to deconstruct the acts of viewing by Freud's analysis. This looking becomes perverse when it hegemonizes a sexuality and when it is used aggressively.
Tezuka has made some deliberate change in order to make Buddha's story an adventurous tale. His five important changes can be accounted as 1) turning the story into an adventurous tale; 2) visualization according to manga conventions; 3) contextualization in order to make it a Japanese story; 4) use of nature to convey spirituality and human emotions; and 5) reorientation of the story towards the problems of young Japanese boys (MacWilliams, 2000: 112). Tezuka without going into Buddhist doctrines explains some basic teachings as Four Noble Truth by Buddha[2]. Tezuka puts his readers in shock by presenting unconventional visuals of Buddha. He doesn't portray the famous Sambhogya-Kaya, the devotional image; instead, his Buddha is a human being- alive, sitting and posing in different ways. Tezuka tries to address 'the otherness', and in a vein to sort it out, he contextualizes the story for a Japanese audience. He presents the view of the natural world setting his hero surrounded by little furry animals[3].
The author's analysis based on Machiko-sensei, a cartoon show in Japan, presents how she was embarrassed when her male competitor wrestler cuts the strap of her top and her breasts come out. Every male member starts staring at her breasts but nobody comes to assist her. Critics who studied the aim of manga readers argue that they read it for excitation or genital release (Allison, 2000:45). But the immobilizing effect in the situations where a naked girl is hung in an open place, and everyone stares her infix is greater than the sexual excitation. The image and gazing in the Japanese cartoons work as the construction of sexuality. The author concludes by saying that the stare at female nudity results in social disruptures in the lives of the boys (Allison, 2000: 49).
What remains the striking point of Tezuka's shift is an attempt to attract his young audiences. He shows that to get rid of the sufferings of life, Buddha loses his mother. He gets peace and salvation through renunciation and meditation. The loss of Buddha's mother, Maya during his birth and the loss of his first love, Migeera are the defining points of Buddha flight and his tragedy (MacWilliams, 2000: 132). In short, we find that the author MacWilliams has succeeded in providing us a picture of how the manga cartoons and comics succeeded in having a deep effect on the mind of the children. Whether it is about sexuality or religion, Japanese manga has proved its rampant influence over the mind of the people.
[1] Freud's Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality published in 1905 explains the young boys' sexual development while gazing the nude bodies.
[2] Budda written by Tezuka focuses on young boys for he aims to prevail the Buddhist philosophy and basic teachings in their early life so that they can follow it thereafter.
[3] Tezuka has borrowed Walt Disney's 'feel good' anthropomorphic view of nature. He liked to evoke feelings in these ways for mass audience.
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