Linguistics Assignment Questions

Popular Questions for Linguistics Assignments

To help students understand the wide variety of assistance with  Linguistic assignment questions we have successfully delivered in the past, we are showcasing a small sample of University Assessments related to Linguistics.

Q.Write a Linguistics Assignment Research Paper having 1,800 words on the ‘Grammar-Translation’ method of teaching English



Q.How cultural and historical texts change in translation from one language to another (e.g. folk tales, children’s stories, proverbs etc.)



Q.How ‘linguistic landscapes’ may be used as a theoretical lens through which one might analyze and discuss the use of different languages and practices of translation to reveal the status of languages in a multilingual context



Q.Students are required to submit a research report/essay which analyses and presents the main findings on a topic related to Information Systems. This document provides detailed instructions on how to approach the assessment and how essays will be marked.

The literature review should have a purpose related to Information Systems and technology. For example,    rather than just describe, e.g. the use of ERP in Manufacturing, this topic could be used, for example, to examine the impact of ERP on management practices, or on business strategy in manufacturing firms. It usually helps to first pose then answer a question, eg, what are the organizational impacts of ERP on small manufacturing firms? A topic might be chosen for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Key issues in e-commerce, IT evaluation, etc.
  • The impact of outsourcing on organizations
  • ERP post-implementation issues.
  • IT Value Creation
  • The role of IS for sharing and creation of knowledge



Q.Advanced Literature review: You need to write a literature review for your article related to the research project you chose in your first assignment.(ITC713)

Min requirements You need to read 5 journal articles no older than 3 years and 5 conference articles no older than 3 years. Identify seminal literature and provide evidence that at least 2 of them have been read (primary source reading, not what others say about them). It needs to be a critical review that identifies gaps and directions, i.e., not just x said and y said, but taking a position and critically interacting with the literature to argue in favor of the position taken. Use the title of your research project as the title of your assignment, so that the subject coordinator knows which study you are doing.

Your literature review should:

List and address the questions/hypothesis(s) related to your project

Summarize the ideas you reviewed in the literature in chronological and/or logical order to introduce your project

ITC713 201660 W D-1 June 2016-Version 1

  • Position your topic, that is, locates your topic within the existing knowledge and practice Discuss philosophical and theoretical aspects of the project
  • Critically review the literature and Identify gaps in the literature Set the scope of the review
    Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the topic.
  • Adopt a clear reporting strategy letting the reader know what you are going to discuss, in what order and where you are in the discussion in terms of your plan
  • Make the review as a story by considering the boring factor of the readers while going to depth
  • Indicate the relevance of the points being made and the relevance (in terms of time of discover and quality) of the references you cited to your topic.

Your literature review should also:

  • List the bibliographic references at the end of your work that correspond to your in-text citations
  • Be written clearly, with well-organised content
  • Use the APA referencing style as recommended by the Faculty of Business.
  • Have a conclusion




Redesigning linguistic landscapes ( Ling 200 )

Your brief for Assessment 1 is to write a project brief that includes a set of recommendations for redesigning the linguistic landscape (visual, linguistic, aural and oral) of a setting where language(s) and literacy/ies are key issues.    You will need to think about the existing language use in this setting, how existing language uses shape the existing linguistic landscape and the changes needed to redesign the linguistic landscape to achieve a specific objective (e.g. to increase plurilingual behaviours) in this setting.


  1. Visit your chosen setting – a public place where you are likely to hear/see or sense languages in addition to English.
  2. Walk around the place multiple times (once every few days). Take 3-4 pictures during each walk through this locale.
  3. Write a diary entry about how you visualize this locale in each walk and why you chose those images.
  4. Supplement your observations with commentary from the literature in the field that you are reading to help you draw connections between the locale and the literature.
  5. Think about how gender and power come into play into this landscape.
  6. Think about how temporarily affects this place.
  7. Think about how activities and people affect this sense of place.

Think about the multilingual vs multicultural status of this place

Word Count: 4500 words (60% of your final grade)





The project brief will have these parts.

  1. A clear statement of the purpose of the redesign of the linguistic landscape of your chosen setting(your specific objective).
  2. A clear statement of the types of language policy issues that you are exploring that connect with your chosen setting, with reference to the literature on language policy.
  3. A clear description of the historical and present day context of the setting. In this section, compare your setting with similar settings in the literature (e.g. other schools/universities/community centers/institutions with a similar sense of place). Use one or two images from your walks to support your claims. These should be labelled Figure 1, Figure 2 with an appropriate caption.
  4. A clear description of current research on linguistic landscapes, and how this literature provides details about the types of changes that are required in your chosen setting, and the benefits that this research offers.
  5. A clear description of the additional sociolinguistic literature that relates to language use that you intend use to frame your research recommendations. Keep in mind that much of the existing literature on linguistic landscapes has little to say about literacy, language-in-interaction or constructs such as gender.
  6. Five KEY recommendations and their rationale. Each recommendation should be supported by a detailed explanation (2-3 paragraphs in length)
  7. A list of references that you have cited (following APA 6th format).

Marks will be deducted for (a) lack of clarity of ideas and writing (b) insufficient detail (c) unsupported claims (d) unclear argumentation (e) inadequate referencing.



Q.Part A: Summary. (1000 words; 15% of your final grade)

Reflect on a school or institutional context that you are a part of and consider how it promotes gender and ethnicity, and encourages students to deploy the totality of their sociolinguistic repertoires. In your reflection, consider the linguistic landscape of the classroom/school/institution including the language use there the activities that individuals engage in, and the talk that occurs.

Identify the formal and informal unspoken policies at this school/institution and think about how the school or institutional language policy might change to embrace multilingualism and diversity and empower individuals within this school/institution while retaining its sense of place. Develop a set of ideas and initiatives to help promote multilingual identity in this place and provide rationales for these.

Write a 1000 word essay summarizing the current context and the set of ideas and initiatives that you would like to develop and the reasons for this. Your reasons should be supported by literature in the field.

Assessment 2A: Key Ideas (1000 words; 15% of your final grade)


Q.Talk to one person who has seen this context. They may be someone you are able to speak with face to face or if they are at a distance you might do this via Skype or other technology. Discuss with this person your ideas for how your chosen context might be developed and ask them what they think about your ideas and whether they would be useful for this setting. This person is busy and you can only have 15-20 minutes of their time. You will need 5 minutes of this time to explain your project to them and five minutes to gain ethical clearance.

As you are exploring rather than testing your ideas, you opt for an unstructured interview as your research instrument.  In preparing for the interview, you should construct a set of potential issues that you could use to encourage your selected person to talk about the relevance of your claims for individuals of different ages, contexts, and purposes. In your discussion, you should encourage your interviewee to think about these new ideas and initiatives of yours, and how they will affect learners (help/not help or even hinder them) to become effective communicators. (You will need to be sensitive to the needs and abilities of the speaker if asking “why”).

You are to audio-record your interview and transcribe key excerpts of this as data that you will use as evidence. Your transcription should follow standard conversational analysis conventions.  Your interview may be in a language other than English, but, if so, you will ALSO need to translate the data that you use as evidence into English. The translation will not be part of the word count.  You do not have to provide a complete transcript of the interview.


On the basis of this interview, write a reflection, drawing out the implications the interview had on your original views. This reflection must address the following questions. The length of each section will depend on your data.

  1. To what extent did the interview support your initial ideas?
  2. What unanticipated issues emerged of theoretical or practical importance?
  3. What changes would you now make after piloting your research? (Ling 393)

Pilot of your ideas (2000 words; 25% of your final grade)


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