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Mathematics Question
How Do you think mathematics will be important for you as a nursing student and later as a professional ?
Mathematics Solution
Provide your overall impression of the researcher’s views on medication calculations.
Medication calculation and its importance
The administration of the medication is the most crucial task in nursing, and any kind of error occurring during administration can be devastation both for the nurse and the patient. Hence, it is very important to reduce medication error, and various strategies should be adopted by nursing professionals for reducing it. Adequate schemes related to incident reporting, use of nation-wide drug chart, and enhanced preparation of mathematics are few strategies for reducing medication errors (Evans, 2009).
Various reports suggest that medication errors are related to a lack of competence in doing calculation during healthcare practice. There should be a clear understanding of measurement units, relevant conversion factors, and how to use measurement vehicles to reduced medication errors. Moreover, knowledge of basic science related to pharmacokinetics, as well as, conditions where measurement and dose calculation must be altered is requisite to avoid these errors, thereby signifying the importance of mathematics in the nursing field (Young, Weeks, & Hutton, 2013).
Evans, J. (2009). Prevalence, risk factors, consequences and strategies for reducing medication errors in Australian hospitals: A literature review. Contemporary Nurse, 31(2), 176-189.
Young, S., Weeks, K., & Hutton, B. (2013). Safety in numbers 1: Essential numerical and scientific principles underpinning medication dose calculation. Nurse Education In Practice, 13(2), e11-e22.