MKT01760 Tourism Planning Environments -

MKT01760 Tourism Planning Environments

Sample Assignments

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Tourism Research Project Question

In this assessment item you are required to draft a response to your own proposal to develop a plan or policy (Assessment 2). You should make clear recommendations with respect to whether your agency supports the preparation of the plan or policy, and critique the proposal using your own research to justify your position. 

You must adopt a clear viewpoint by identifying the agency whose perspective you are writing from. This will be one of the following: 

a national tourism agency 

a state/provincial tourism agency 

local government 

marine agency (e.g. international marine agency, marine parks agency, fisheries) 

protected lands agency (e.g. a national parks or conservation agency) 

Indigenous agency (e.g. Aboriginal affairs agency). 

Tourism Research Project Solution

The ecosystem of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is prone to severe damages and the coral reefs are in a decline.  The GBR is affected by human-induced developmental activities that threaten the region due to terrestrial runoff affecting the reef habitats (Harriott 2004). Tourism is the major economic contributor in the region which is highly reliant on the coral reefs. A discussion paper was submitted before the board of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s (GBRMPA) detailing the impacts of coastal development and policy measures to retain the integrity and value of the region. This report critically evaluates the need for the proposed policy and GBRMPA’s standpoint to implement the same.

1. Position Statement

This statement is prepared in response to the discussion paper submitted to the board of GBRMPA related to the impact of coastal development on the health of coral reefs. This statement outlines the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s (GBRMPA) stance on the impact of coastal development on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and its conservation and management to ensure sustainable development. 


It is assumed that the board of GBRMPA focuses on the policy and legislative issues whereas the operational responsibility exists with the executive management of GBRMPA. The role of the board is to ensure the operational effectiveness and efficiency of the legal functions of GBRMPA to be in line with the local, state and national governments’ expectations on activities, goals, values, and policies (MPA Board 2016).


The goal of GBRMPA is to ensure the protection, sustainable usage, understanding and gratification of the GBR for long-term through diligence and development of the GBR marine park. As a part of its strategic objectives, GBRMPA has developed the Reef 2050 plan to set action plans, targets, objectives and results for the short, medium and long-term management of the GBR. In order to meet the set targets, GBRMPA is in need of policies that improve the value of the GBR (Dorsett 2016) and retain its tourist attraction status which is being threatened by the recent adverse ecological events.


The proposed policy in the discussion paper is analyzed y GBRMPA to check its capability to meet the strategic objectives of The Reef 2050 plan – preserve and retain the biodiversity of GBR, protect its heritage values and ensure the sustainable usage and socio-economic benefits derived from it (GBRMPA 2016). Considering the number of coastal development activities that take place in the region and based on the suggestions of the discussion paper, GBRMPA has planned to consider activities with higher impact levels as a priority for further consideration of policy drafting. Low impact level activities which have the ability to co-exist with GBR will be considered in the future action plans. Major threats for policy implementation arise from jurisdictional restriction, conflicting interests of stakeholders and the compounded effect of impacts (GBRMPA 2016)……………..


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