MNG91002 – Entrepreneurship & Marketing Case Analysis – Google -

MNG91002 – Entrepreneurship & Marketing Case Analysis – Google

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Marketing Assignment Question

It was mid 1998. The dot com bubble had started to burst, and with it the demise of some of the Web's earliest search tools and browser platforms. Yet despite such chaos, two Stanford University PhD students set about 'organising the world’s information and mak[ing] it universally accessible and useful' (Google Mission Statement). From those initial plans grew a multinational firm, now with 53,000 employees, and a market capitalisation of $USD360 billion.

A great documentary on Google can be found at:

Your task in this case analysis is to answer three questions by critically analysing Google's history, resources and market situation. Please do not just describe events, although you should read Google's history to understand the background to your analysis. You should use the principles and concepts that you have learned in marketing-related modules to answer the following two questions:

1. What marketing strategy or strategies has Google adopted since it was created? Answer this question by applying one or more of the theoretical marketing approaches and/or models discussed in the literature.

2. What strategic marketing options can you describe for Google if it wishes to remain a successful organisation throughout the next decade? Answer this question based on a SWOT analysis of the circumstances that exist in 2014/15 and your best forecasts of relevant future industry factors.

These are wide-ranging questions and you should undertake extensive independent research into Google and its industry – we might define it as the search industry. You should explore different aspects of these issues and incorporate them into your paper. This is a practical assessment of a real company, but you need to show an understanding of theory and research in your evaluation and suggestions.

Marketing Assignment Solution

Marketing Analysis of Google
The Nature of Google's marketing strategy or strategies since it began

Since its establishment, the idea was to provide the customers a portal which would suffice all their needs. As and when it gained momentum, the output was that Google had become a search engine with a large customer base. This provided the companies a playing field in which they could relate to and interact with their potential customers directly. Thus, the companies started investing in the idea of Google and the revenue of Google started increasing with an increase in online advertisements. As the service provided by Google has always been free, it formed a cycle in which the customers could cater their requirements and the companies could attend and seek out to its customers. Thus, Google created a large market share in this way.

Let us consider the Marketing Mix for Google:


Google provides its customers with a free service provided there is access to the internet. As a result, with the increase in the number of people having access to the internet, the number of people logging in on Google increases. Thus, it creates a common portal for a large number of customers. For this large audience, Google provides immediate answers to their queries. Thus, it has established itself as a strong and reliable search engine and has a very high market share.

Google, in general, serves a large audience in a number of ways. Some of its products which are used frequently are the Google search, Maps, Playstore, Mail, Google News, etc (Mohan, 2014). Thus, it has a wide portfolio to interact with its customers and to provide a solution to their varying needs.

The revenue generation for Google is mostly through online advertising. This accounts for more than 96% of revenue. As it is already an established a brand, it has set up a strong platform to relate and interact with its customers. This platform is then used by other companies to promote their respective brands and interact with potential customers. (Friesner, 2014)



The opening page of the Google search engine consists of only the search bar and Google Doodle only. As it is a portal with a large number of customers, it ends up inviting a lot of companies to use Google commercially. Thus, now it becomes a portal not only for its customers but also for the companies which are seeking to expand and target this segment of customers. This indirectly increases the effectiveness and the efficiency of the working of this search engine. What this also shows is that the major objective of Google is not to earn revenue, but is that of focusing on its customers and increasing customer satisfaction. Because of these values, it increases the customer database and also the increase the competition among companies to work with Google. So, this turns out to be a very commanding situation for Google and aids its growth.


Access to Google can be done via a desktop, laptop or a mobile phone having the internet available on the same, respectively. This makes it easy for a large number of people to access Google. Thus, it creates a large database of customers for Google to work with. This database of customers is of great value not only to Google but also to the other companies which seek to increase their market share in their respective sector. Thus, a cycle of a sort is formed and results in companies investing in Google through advertising to connect to the customers. Apart from this, they also connect with their customers using the portals like Google Plus, Google Play and the Android system in today's smart phone era.



While setting up the price of the service being offered, different parameters are taken into consideration. These parameters depend on the usage of the service. With respect to its use, the policy that Google follows is that it is free for public use and will be charged when used commercially (Trotter, 2011). The main objective behind this is to increase the number of customers by providing them free service and to give the companies an opportunity to cater to these customers.

Strategic Marketing options for Google moving forward

Considering the future of Google Inc., let us consider the following SWOT Analysis of Google Inc.


Strengths of Google

1.      An Established Brand: Google has already established a strong and reliable name for itself from the customer's point of view and is trusted as one of the most reliable search engines.

2.      Market Position: As it has already captured a large chunk of the market, this makes it the market leader and gives it a great advantage in reducing its competition and increasing its market share overall.

3.      Financial Strength: The financial situation of Google Inc. gives it the muscle it needs to carry out its operations at lower costs and also provides it the buffer it needs as it grows.

4.      Google Portfolio: The portfolio of products available by Google gives it a chance to cater to all the needs of the customer. The diversity of these products helps in attaining a high level of customer satisfaction.


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