Popular Questions for Nursing Assignments
To help students understand the wide variety of assistance with nursing assignment questions we have successfully delivered in the past, we are showcasing a small sample of University Assessments related to nursing assignment.
Q..An extended literature review on the effectiveness of co-trimoxazole for the treatment of adult patients diagnosed with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) when compare with second line treatment, levofloxacin (10,000 words maximum)
Q.You need to choose one case study of a person with a disability from the following list and consider what it would be like to live for one whole day with this condition. The severity of your selected disability is at a level where it is causing significant challenges to your quality of life. You are no longer able to work. You will need to consider the home you currently live in. If you had to live with the disability you have selected (below), what difficulties would you face in continuing to live at your present address?
The list of case studies to choose from are:
- Occipital lobe cerebrovascular accident (3 years post stroke): You are a 45 year old male living with your wife and 2 teenage sons in Winton in western Queensland
- Cervical Level 3 Spinal Injury (Traumatic from MVA 3 years ago): You are a 38 year old female living in Emerald in Western Queensland. You live with your husband and 3 school age children
- Cerebral Palsy: You are a 29 year old female living alone in Babinda in North Queensland.
- Acquired Brain injury with frequent seizures (Traumatic from MVA– 12 months post injury): You are a 13 year old male living in Roma in Western Queensland with your mother and 10 year old sister
- Young onset Lewy Body Dementia: You are a 44 year old male living with your sister
and her 2 primary school aged children in Monto in Queensland
Example statement of the case study:
I am a 35 year female living in Roma in Western Queensland with condition x (as listed in case study). I live with my husband and 2 school age children. My home is low set with 4 steps, and has 2 levels inside with my bedroom and bathroom on the upper level. It is also important to include a short statement about any challenges you would face living in your current home as your case study. (No more than 150 words)
Q.Based on your case study, and using reference material (texts and/or journal articles) discuss the possible effects of the experience of disability on your immediate and extended family unit.
Q.Identify any relevant international, national, state and local organizations that can provide you with information and/or support and identify services relevant to you as the case study. This information and/or support can be available physically, by phone or via the internet. For example there might be international or national organizations with information and on-line support via a website; there might be telephone support services; there might be local support groups.
Q.Clearly identify which organizations in your area would help you to holistically manage your own daily activities of living, e.g. domiciliary nursing, community nursing, day respite services and the likely frequency of services. These need to be realistic and available in the community where you (as your case study) live – not a ‘wish list’. You can also include any support groups that may offer psychological, spiritual or social support in your area.
Q.Using the International Classification of Function, Disability and Health (ICF) as a guide, list and discuss the social restrictions you face as a result of your disability. For example, how easy is it for you to be able to maintain family and friend relationships? (450 words)
Q.Discuss how you may react to your disability from the perspective of self-concept, body image and self-esteem. (450 words)
Q.Also discuss the concepts of paternalism, self-efficacy and independence in relation to rehabilitation and health care professionals treating people with a disability. (450 words)
- Find a news story from a reliable source that has occurred within the past 4 weeks which relates to Health, Illness and Wellbeing.
- State the story title and provide the URL or a screen shot of the story (including the publication source name and date of publication (not the date you viewed it) e.g. Story
Title : “Quinoa –the new protein” in “The Australian” Newspaper: 8 February 2017
- Explain the health implications of the story for those who it affects ( Word Limit 50 words)
Q.Why is this newsworthy/currently topical? E.g. is it a medical breakthrough, research, current topic of interest in society? (Word Limit 100 words). Post your news story and your discussion to the Media Watch Discussion Forum in the Assessment 1 Submission area on Study Desk.
Q.Comment on one story (different to your own) posted by another student and comment as to if the individuals/groups of people referred to in the article were in control of their own health journey? (Word Limit 100 words)
Q. Write about anything related to biological psychology. Pick a topic that excites you. You may write about a topic that is not covered in the textbook or lectures that you want to know more about, or you may write more in depth about a topic we have discussed in the unit. After you have read a number of articles on to your topic, devise a thesis. Your thesis should be specific rather than broad. For example,
- Learning and experience-related neural plasticity
- Can NMDA receptor agonists safely enhance learning in humans?
- Could oxytocin be used to reduce social anxiety disorder?
- Your literature review should focus primarily on peer-reviewed journal articles related to your topic. You may also use scholarly books as references. You should thoroughly search Google Scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, PsycARTICLES, Web of Science or other scholarly database for relevant sources. You should not use textbooks, encyclopaedias, or newspaper/magazine articles as references.
Q) How many papers do you need to review? Six references is the minimum. Note however that your reference list will reflect the thoroughness of your reading in your chosen topic area so the best papers will likely have a larger number. Only references that are actually cited in your paper should be included in the reference section.
Q) Your paper should consist of an introduction that includes a thesis and reasons why your thesis is important, a body presenting detailed and specific evidence related to your thesis, a conclusions section, and a reference section.
Format: APA