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Nursing Assignment Question
Question 1
- a) Select a relevant OH&S, legislations , standards, codes of practice, policy
- b) Describe the strategies you would use to inform your work group about this particular policy as selected above
- c) Explain why you have chosen this strategy.
Question 2
Conduct a risk assessment on safe work practices of the staff in your area. Identify an OH&S training need that would ensure staff is able to follow safe work practices.
Question 3
With the information you have gathered from the risk assessment, describe the processes of reporting and acting upon the identified issue
Question 4
- a) Describe the processes that in place to monitor safe work procedures. Incorporate a flow chart to describe the process.
- b) Briefly, outline how OH&S records are completed and maintained within legislation and organizational requirements
Question 5
Interview an OH&S representative in your area and research how emergency procedures are implemented highlighting the following areas:
– How are the staff informed of emergency procedures
– How do they ensure emergency equipment is available and routinely checked for functionality
– What are the support measures to prevent reoccurrence and minimize the risk of emergencies
Nursing Assignment Solution on OHS Maintenance And Implementation
Occupational Health and Safety Management is an essential requirement at every care facility, industry and workplace. It is important to have OHS Maintenance Implementation. The rationale behind assessment of occupational health and safety management at aged care facility is the injury prone environment and direct link of care professionals with the residents. This suggests to maintain a healthy environment for enhancing the quality of life of all the residents physically, mentally and emotionally it is an essential need. The OHS management at aged care facility has three four steps in common. They are Assessment of occupational health and safety requirements, planning for application, Implementation of the plan and lastly evaluation and continuous development of the plan.
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Risk assessment and hazard identification are two most important steps in continuous improvement. With each strategy it must be ensured, the risks are mitigated and safe practices are ensured. This helps in keeping the inmates and the other visitors safe as well as enhance the environmental control of the aged care facility.
Risk assessment has two objectives which must be met. The first is, the types of injuries or falls which can be caused by any type of hazard. Secondly the likelihood of such hazard to take place in the aged care facility.
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From the above risk assessment strategy maintained, it was found that the fatality, major injury as well as minor injury chances of occurrences in our aged care facility is very high. Thus to mitigate this we need to report each and every incident, reason for the incidence, lack of responsibility, departments responsible, consequences, action taken, evaluation and actions taken for further such incidents both in documented formats as well as in online portal of our aged care. This data can be assessed by different departments in order to prevent such incidents. Each incident must be reported to the hazard control team with documentation of each process carried out mentioned above.
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For monitoring of safe work process, the aged care facilitates hazard log which has to be filled up by the concerned personnel's present during an occurrence of any such incidents. The process employed is presented in a flow chart format.
An interview was conducted with an OHS representative to find out emergency procedures and implementation at the aged care facility. From the interview and research carried out, the following conclusions are drawn which can help in enhancing our emergency protocol and safety regulations.
In most of the settings, the emergency procedures are notified through training and each emergency procedure is changed at each setting and department for ease of access to the employees. The employees at any moment can check their intraportal mail or the website to access the emergency protocols to be followed. With regard to the equipment and emergency, its functionality it ensured through quality checkup carried out in every 15 days. The quality parameters must pass the standards mentioned in Standards of practice for aged care facilities under OHS act. Any emergency equipment not in order as far as functionality is concerned is replaced immediately with the new ones. This has to report immediately to finance department as well as the administrative department simultaneously. Similarly, a notification is changed near the equipment with regard to its current status.
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