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Education-Teaching Assignment Question
Context of artifact and description of artifact
- Includes the Standard and Quality Indicators (5)+
- Restates the Standard in the author’s own words. (5) -5 not a paraphrase
- Describes the artifact (experience or document) including the setting of the event described or the context of the artifact.
- Describes the theoretical and philosophical foundations of the Artifact.
- Ties artifact to Standard and Quality Indicators. (10)
2. Interpretation of Causes and Effects missing
- Analyzes what worked and what did not work. (15)
Analyzes the causes for success or failure of students observed or self.
What would you do differently next time?
- What did you, the pre-professional education student, learn from the event or process which created the artifact or is described in it and which relates to this specific standard. (10)
3. Self-Assessment and Professional Planning missing
- What specific questions do you have about or related to the Standard?
- What resources do you need to access in order to develop those answers? Proposes the next step(s) in your learning process. (15)
Education-Teaching Assignment Solution
Each of the following reflections is my attempt to convince the reader that I understand that Standard and the Quality Indicators and that I can apply that knowledge at a level commensurate with a person who has completed sophomore level education coursework.
Standard #1 – Content knowledge aligned with appropriate instruction.
The teacher understands the central concepts, structures, and tools of inquiry of the discipline(s) and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful and engaging for all students.
[SB 291 Section 160.045.2 (3) the teacher is prepared and knowledgeable of the content and effectively maintains students’ on-task behaviour.]
Quality Indicator 1: Content knowledge and academic language
Quality Indicator 2: Student engagement in the subject matter
Quality Indicator 3: Disciplinary research and inquiry methodologies
Quality Indicator 4: Interdisciplinary instruction
Quality Indicator 5: Diverse social and cultural perspectives
Reflection on this standard empowered me to find out if, as a teacher, I understood the subject that I was teaching – teaching a subject requires knowledge of the elements of a subject such as basic approaches, framework and methods of research and the connections between the elements. This reflection enabled me to discover if I was making use of the right methods to teach specific topics and if the learning situation I created for my students were ones that brought the subject alive and made them understand the subject in an active and dynamic way to catch their interest and attention in the classroom activities.
Students of grade 2 are required to be able to identify the shapes circle, triangle, rectangle and square. My teaching aids to teach this topic are two dolls of clowns (Artifact A-2) – a standard clown and a Heyoka, a sacred and traditional clown of the Lakota people in the Great Plains of North America. These two clowns have a circular face, rectangular arms and legs, square body and triangular double plaits that are seen in traditional Heyoka clowns. The Heyoka doll is dressed in the traditional Lakota manner of black and white striped clothes and face paint. Each part of the two clowns will represent different shapes for the students to learn.