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Education-Teaching Assignment Question
This portfolio should be presented using the following headings below and will contain an account of your learning across this unit. Your Portfolio will consist of the following:
1. A critical reflection (incorporating scholarly references) on your key strengths, values, and other career influences and how these impact your career action plan.
2. A career action plan that is designed to help you achieve your short-term and medium-term goals. The plan should include ALL of the following information:
- Short term (within one year) and medium term goals (within 2-3 years) – it should include both study and career goals.
- Realistic steps (actions) you should undertake in the next year and next 2-3 years to achieve your career goals. Make sure you link this with your self-understanding and career knowledge.
- A list of at least three barriers to achieving your actions with accompanying innovative solutions.
3. Appendices.
Certificates of Completion for quizzes for each of the following modules in Topic 6:
- Self-understanding 1
- Self-understanding 2
- Defining your opportunities
- Career decision making
- Branding myself
- Note that Certificates of Completion will only be downloadable once you score 80% or higher on each quiz.
- You may elect to include copies of other relevant supporting materials in your Appendices as appropriate.
- You must include at least 4 scholarly references (refereed journals, book chapters and reputable organisation websites) in your assessment.
Education-Teaching Assignment Solution
Self-reflection is a major part of one’s personality trait. Everyone should identify strengths and weaknesses so that the chances of continuous growth can be enhanced (Cottrell, 2015). Here in the current report, a critical reflection plan has been presented along with a career action plan. The critical reflection includes the description of strengths, weakness and personal values that can put its impact on career or professional life. Further, the career action plan is segregated in the short term and medium-term goals. This report has also described the barriers in following career action plans and possible solutions to deal with barriers.
Critical Reflection:
Every individual always has some strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities that can help to grow in professional as well as personal life. According to me, the foremost quality or strength that a person must possess is related to the self-assessment process. If an individual can assess his strengths and weakness, then an action plan or development plan could be prepared accordingly. Another advantage of the self-assessment process is that it makes people aware of areas of improvement and strengthening the personality features (Pavlina, 2010). If I talk about myself, then I can mention that I have a habit of conducting a self-assessment for myself regularly. I look out for people and try to gain positive learning from them. It helps me to refine my thought process, attitude and most significant personality traits.
I would like to divide my strengths into two major areas; professional and personal. However, I have observed that the impact of personal skills and strengths can be reflected in the professional life. Personal life is more dominating and controls professional life up to a certain extent. Thus, on the ground of personal aspects, I think that my major skill is self-learning attitude. I have a habit to learn new things and focus on grasping new knowledge. It helps me to increase my knowledge and provide me competitiveness as compared to my friends, peers. I always try to build my intellect from different areas. Reading is a very crucial strength of my personality trait. I read lots of books, and it gives me patience…………………….