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Nursing Assignment Questions
Patient background information—
The patient has been brought to the hospital by the police ,having called them because she believes her life is in danger.she told the police that her neighbours are spying her and had whispering outside her back door. As a consequence she is afraid to leave her house.
The assessment about perception/thinking.
Problem-A clearly and concisely written problem identified from your assessment of the patient’s perception or thinking(25 words)
Short term goal-An appropriate short-term goal relating the identified problem.(25words)
Three Interventions to support the patient in meeting their goal,with a rationale for each
Intervention(150words per interventions/rationale)
According to my assessment the patient is scared to sleep in the night.always hearing voices, sound. She does not take drugs or drinks.She is restless,agitated and worried,anxiety,depressed,locking the door and scared to come out of the room.
Develop a care plan to achieve over short period the next 48-72 hours.
Total word count 500.
Nursing Assignment Solution
Upon primary assessment of the patient's behavior, it appears that she suffers from an acute psychotic disorder that is schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia start perceiving and interpreting things differently. They suffer from hallucination and delusion. They get false thoughts and are tend to see or hear stuff that is not there in reality (Fletcher, 2009) .
Interventions and their rationale:
A schizophrenic patient needs proper intervention at each step and it cannot be restricted to only clinical intervention. Hence a wide range of interventions is present. The three main interventions are early interventions, support schemes, and the family therapy.
Intervention 1:
The early intervention consists of a prodrome of schizophrenia that is the sign and symptoms of the onset of the disease. It is important to know the duration of the first onset of symptoms and the treatment initiated since this is the most crucial period as the brain continue to deteriorate and irreversible damage is caused.
Rationale 1:
The early intervention helps in justifying the reduction of the negative thoughts and the social impacts that are caused due to prolong period of not receiving any treatment. Considering side effects, the early deteriorating symptoms can also be understood (Marshall, Early intervention for psychosis, 2011).
Intervention 2:
In the support scheme, intervention emphasis is given to working in partnership with the schizophrenia patients and their carers. Treatment is given in a positive atmosphere around such patients that consist of hope and optimism. Development of supportive relationship is considered as an essential part of care for schizophrenic patients. A well-trained nurse, counselors, psychotherapists, pharmacist and occupational therapists comprise of the support team.
Rationale 2:
Creating a positive environment around the patient fills him up with optimistic thoughts which in turn gives him the strength to identify his condition and for self-healing. The support team works together to provide day to day support but also ensures that patients have the independence to make his own choice which slowly helps the patient to heal (Silverstein, 2008).
Intervention 3:
The family therapy plays most important role in the healing of schizophrenia patients as the support and understanding of the family members have deep psychological effects upon the patient. In this kind of intervention, the family is first educated about the nature of the illness and the principles of the treatment. This intervention continues for a longer period often for 2 years. Family members are not only taught how to handle schizophrenic patients but also to have patient and not to lose themselves caring, such patients.
Rationale 3:
Family intervention is helpful in decreasing the relapse of the diseases and hospitalization repeatedly. Such intervention also helps in managing the medication and building trust in the family that provides a safe network for communication (Pharoah, 2010).
Short term care plan:
- Administration of antipsychotic medication that reduces or diminishes the disease completely.
- To develop the support and care team to help patients overcoming their anxiety and depression and to provide safety.
- To decrease various stimuli from the patient's environment such as loud sound, crowd and to keep decor very simple.
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