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6-step payment process

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Our assignment experts review your assignment order and decide the price quote accordingly. The topic length, word count, course level, topic difficulty and deadline are some factors that affect the final price quote.

We are generally very prompt with sending across the price quote estimate to the client via email. However, our experts might take some time in case of special assignment requirements. So please bear with us.

Not necessarily. You don’t need a PayPal account to complete your order payment. We also accept debit and credit cards.

We expect our clients to pay the full order amount before the final assignment draft is delivered. The final draft is sent to the client only once their payment is complete. Some clients prefer to pay the full amount once they are happy with the first draft.

Yes, the client has to pay an advance amount upfront to confirm the order. And according to the mid-review policy, you can pay half the order amount for a half-done assignment.

In case you have any complaints about the assignment quality or submission date, reach out to our Dispute Resolution team. We will look into the issue and will refund the full amount to the client if we are at fault.

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