Nursing Leadership

Nursing Assignment Sample on Nursing Leadership

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Nursing Assignment Questions

You have identified that you want to move into, or progress your clinical or administrative leadership/management career in the next 2 years. You know that there are some leadership/management situations where you feel less confident, but you have not really identified what leadership/management skills and/or areas of knowledge you require to give you the confidence and ability you feel you are lacking.
This assignment provides you with an opportunity to identify two of these leadership/management skills/areas of knowledge and to access and critique literature relating to each of these so as to build your knowledge and assist your future career advancement.

Use an essay format for this assignment with a clear introduction, body and conclusion.

Critically reflect on the above scenario and consider what leadership/management skills/ areas of knowledge (for example: managing grievances; managing interpersonal conflict etc.) you want to develop.
1. Access a range of current, peer reviewed literature from refereed journals;
2. Write a literature critique identifying and analyzing the arguments/perspectives/findings emerging from the literature and comparing and contrasting author's different and similar views on these
3. Ensure the conclusion of the essay provides a summary of the key arguments discussed in the literature critique and outline whether or not and how you're learning on these two leadership/management skills/areas of knowledge will assist you in your current and/or future clinical and/or administrative leadership/management roles.

Read more in the complete solution PDF document at the end of this page.

Nursing Assignment Solution


Conflict is inevitable in any organization owing to diverse backgrounds of employees and personal interest. At times conflict is perceived as a good critique for new ideas and method generation, but is negative effects has been reported largely. Any productive process gets disturbed due to conflicts and situation becomes worse if the setting is a health care service provider (Huber, 2013). Since, I aspire to take leadership as my career conflict management and grievances management are two issues that demands immediate attention. Leadership in nursing is a challenging task since it involves multitude of tasks that requires extreme patience, knowledge, and skills to lead successfully (Rick, 2014). Conflict resolution and grievances management is two major aspects of nursing leadership. Conflict resolution is not only solving conflict whenever it occurs, rather establishing a culture of constructive conflict resolution strategy and empower each member with such abilities (Brown, et al., 2011). Similarly grievances management is another area that needs immediate attention, if not attended in time it can lead to employee resistance. Employee dissatisfaction and resistance adversely affects continuum of care thus raises question on leadership and management. The current piece of article deals with leadership skills/management skills required to address such issues at workplace with a critical analysis on same. The main objective of this essay is to provide novice nurses a conceptual pathway towards a career as nurse leader.


The on field experience and recent events during my clinical placement revealed it is not easy to justify yourself  leader as compared to taking responsibility of leadership. I was placed in an ED (Emergency Department), during my last year of graduation. RN Mike (registered nurse pseudo name) was in charge of the ward. RN Elisa was another nurse in the same ward. Although both have been inducted as nurses on same year, Mike was promoted to charge nurse role due to his expertise in managing patients and organizational need aligning to healthcare outcomes in time. In a recent publication Wise (2014) has given brief insight into different characters a nurse leader must possess in order to justify leadership stands. Interpersonal and personal skills such as consumer relationships, delegation, handling ethical and legal issues, staffing, etc. makes a good nurse leader (Yoder-Wise, 2014). Similarly, another qualitative study carried out in 2014 reported an exemplary nurse leader must possess a passion for nursing, effective communication with staff and patient, spreading optimism at workplace, roe as a mentor, etc. Although, I have no idea on RN Mikes standing against these characters and justification of his promotion, yet it can be assumed that he fulfills the criteria for promotion (Anonson, et al., 2014).


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