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Human Resource Assignment Question
What are the key challenges in developing the capabilities of a diverse workforce in our globalized environment? Choose one country to illustrate your response?
Human Resource Assignment Solution
A diverse workforce in UK based companies brings huge responsibilities for the HR team in terms of developing their capabilities and potential. The major challenge in front of UK based firms is related to the team formation process. It is quite natural that when a company provides training to the employees they form a group for their convenience as it is not possible to provide training to individuals. Thus, due to diversity, it becomes tough to bring each and every individual on a single platform and to form a balanced team where every employee is participating in a training session in a harmonious manner could be challenging.
Another significant challenge for UK based companies is related to the nature of diversity as well. If the diversity belongs to the educational qualification, experience and personal potential or capabilities itself, then it is challenging to prepare the balanced training modules. The company cannot design the inappropriate training module; otherwise, it won’t be possible to do justice with staff people’s strengths and weaknesses. The list of challenges for the cited country also includes personality traits as well. The diversity brings conflicts and stressed working environment due to the differences or variedness in personal values. Thus, it can deviate the workforce from personal and professional development goals. In such a situation encouraging and motivating them can be challenging for the business entities in the UK………………