Differences between Critical and Creative Thinking and Its Use to Overcome Plagiarism -

Differences between Critical and Creative Thinking and Its Use to Overcome Plagiarism

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Education-Teaching Assignment Question

Discuss the differences between critical and creative thinking and then explain how critical thinking and creative thinking can be used to overcome plagiarism?

Education-Teaching Assignment Solution

Relationships between Critical and Creative Thinking:

This article is on the foundation that critical and creative thinking are different from each other. However, both skills are important for students. The authors explain the definition of critical thinking through past kinds of literature. Based on the review, a list of critical thinking skills is identified by the authors. These skills are required for the effectiveness of critical thinking. A critical thinker has to possess elements of reasoning to carry out the thinking process successfully. Also, the authors explain the complex nature of creativity. The various classifications of creativity are given in a detailed manner. Various forces and factors that contribute to the conduct of the creative thinking process are explained. Empirical analysis shows that thinking skills are prevalent among students. The authors concluded that students have to develop their thinking skills to attain maximum potential in the current world. Students have to undergo proper training to attain a good set of thinking skills.
Cultivating Critical-Thinking Dispositions throughout the Business Curriculum:
This article is written on the basis that critical thinking is important for business management courses.  In order to write effectively, critical thinking is required. This article explains how an individual can develop his/ her critical thinking nature. Developing such a characteristic helps to apply critical thinking all the time. The authors explain how critical thinking is defined based on different approaches like the taxonomy of learning, the question-answer approach and analyzing the features of an individual with critical thinking skills. The benefits of having critical thinking in the curriculum are listed. In order to improve critical thinking skills, this article explores a model using three components – recognizing assumptions, evaluating arguments and drawing upon conclusions. The second approach uses consistent practice to develop the skill set.  Critical thinking skills of students are assessed using their written assignments. The research area of this article focuses only on the MBA curriculum………………

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