Information technology written assignment -

Information technology written assignment

Sample Assignments

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Information Technology Assignment Question

WEEK 1 TASK: The text discusses a number of modern mass-storage technologies however there have been huge advances since the early days of computing. Collect and summarize two Online resources that explains and describe two mass storage technologies that are not mentioned in the text that were prevalent before 1980. The resources must not be about the same technology.
WEEK 2 TASK: The text briefly makes mention of embedded (operating) Systems.
Collect and summarize two Online resources that describes specific embedded operating systems that are not mentioned in the text. The resources must not be about the same embedded operating System.
WEEK 3 TASK: The “the internet of things” is an emerging trend towards smart interconnected embedded technologies that allow us to monitor and control our environment. Collect and summarize two Online resources that describe examples or applications of the internet of things. The resources must not be about the same application or example. 
WEEK 4 TASK: HTTP is an example of a text- based (human readable) application layer protocol. Collect and summarize two Online resources that describe other text- based application layer protocols. The resources must not be about the same protocol.
WEEK 5 TASK: An increasing computer security threat is the rise of “ransomware” attacks. Collect and summarize two Online resources that discuss specific examples of ransomware attacks. The resources must not be about the same incident/attack.
WEEK 6 TASK: SLAs and network design with redundancy are two ways to reduce the risk of a loss of network connectivity. However, reports of major network outages and their impacts on organizations regularly make news headlines. Collect and summarize two Online resources that provide examples of these outages and their impacts on the business and/or its customers. The resources must not be about the same outage/business.
WEEK 7 TASK: Organizations are increasingly using social networking to engage with their customer base. Collect and summarize two Online resources that provide examples of organizations using social networking successfully to expand or improve their business. The resources must not be about the same organization.
WEEK 8 TASK: There are a multitude of paid and open source DBMS solutions available on the market. Collect and summarize two Online resources that discuss examples of the more commercially popular DBMS vendors and that describe who use their product. The resources must not be about the same vendor.
WEEK 9 TASK: Outsourcing all or part of an organization’s IT function has had mixed outcomes but for some organizations it has been a wise decision. Collect and summarize two Online resources that relate to two specific outsourcing success stories (i.e. two organizations have worked out well). The resources and your summary should explain why the outsourcing was a success. The resources must not be about the same organizations. 
WEEK 10 TASK: The text discusses the need to manage scope, time, cost, quality and risk in IS implementations. Of these, cost is arguably the most difficult to manage and the cause of many IS implementations project failures. Collect and summarize two Online resources that describes examples of where IS implementation project cost have vastly exceeded the original budget. The resources must not be about the same organizations/project.

Information Technology Assignment Answer

It will be necessary to use literature/online resources to complete this assignment, please ensure you cite and reference any such materials using the Harvard format.  

DO NOT copy content directly from either the text or Internet resources:  this assignment is to be in your own words. You will lose marks if you do not use your own words!

Please complete your assignment using this submission template file, inserting your responses where indicated.

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There are ten (10) tasks, one for each week:  the tasks are detailed below.  There is a table to complete for each task.  Please fill in the information required.  An example of a completed task is below.  Note the first response (resource 1) is good – so aim for something like this.  The second response (resource 2) is not acceptable, so if you submit anything like it, you won’t pass the assignment!  The reasons?  Poor resource selection (Wikipedia), no Harvard reference and a block cut and paste from the site (no citation, no original content)……………

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