As a measure of help we often place an assignment order with an assignment help company. But many a times we fail to get a desired solution in-spite of spending quite an amount. As this leads to both loss of money as well as grades, the issue is of prime concern among students across the world. And this makes it important to understand why we fail to get back the desired solution and what all we can do before we actually place an order. Not only handing over work to a company is enough, the challenge lies in choosing the right company for you.
Your concern ends here. We bring to you all you need to consider before placing an order with an assignment help company.
1. Share your assignment requirements in detail.
Half knowledge is always dangerous. This is a common proverb that well applies to this situation too. Sharing assignment documents is like sharing information and knowledge about requirements. And if the person who would do the work does not have complete knowledge about the requirement it is highly dangerous, and as a client you would be the major suffer. Considering the cruciality we would need to always keep in mind to share all details if in case we are placing an order with an assignment help company.
Let’s have a quick look into specific reasons and situations that can be managed or avoided by sharing all information:
a. A fail or low grade: Missing information can lead to inappropriate development of solution. Be it assignment brief, marking criteria, referencing guide or available lecture details and unit details all if not provided to the company, they won’t be able to give you a perfect solution.
b. Delay in submission: Delay in getting the desired assignment and then submission is often a cause of problem and one of the most common issues that arises when work is handed over to assignment help companies. Such delays are often a cause when partial information is shared with the assignment help company and the company people realize it at a later stage that they are at a loss of information that was needed to be provided from your end. Or, often you at a later stage find new documents that you feel was supposed to be given, for completion of the solution.
Other than this situation, often it is when the draft is submitted by the assignment help company, you realize that the work lacks requirements and it is identified that it was missing documents, that was not shared with the company, that has led to such a difference in the submitted solution and required solution.
c. Unwanted extra cost: Partial information may lead to a solution without all requirements covered. This may lead to reworks or getting the work redone by a different assignment help company that would make you incur extra costs.
d. Unsatisfactory solution: The solution can turn out to be sub-standard or low standard solution without all documents shared with the assignment writing company.
A few prominent details that one should specifically share with the company, if not mentioned in the documents, include:
• Deadline for submission
• Referencing style
• Word count
• Assignment format (Like Essay, Report, Draft)
• Use of first person is permissible or not
• Marking Criteria
• University guidelines
• % marks allocation for the assignment, stating its weight-age and importance
2. Use the section ‘Other details’ to mention other important details
Just sharing an assignment detail and placing an order is not enough. One needs to constantly be in touch with the organization and ask for updates from time to time. Also, from the very initial stage, the company should be intimated of any previous experience you have had with the company or any other company as a measure of avoidance in this instance. A detailed note to the company on the same would keep the company conscious of your demands.
Also, if in case you have had a bad experience previously with the same company, and you intimate it at the time of sharing the new requirement, as part of an obvious effort, the company tends to pay more attention to your work. This basically is a brand management measure and develop a stronger relationship with a repeat client.
3. Use live chat or FAQ to know answers of crucial questions (about pricing and service delivery process).
FAQs and live chat help provided by most online companies, as these assignment help companies are, are a measure to support customers and clarify their queries. So, as a client, you should not hesitate to ask all your doubts and clarify before placing an order. This would help you know all required details and assist you in choosing a genuine company for your work. Beware of the fact, that many companies tend to promise big but their efficiencies are not worth their promises. So, cross checking is a must.
We bring to you a plethora of question areas that can be clarified and confirmed by the help of the FAQs and chat.
• To start with visit and explore the company website in detail.
• Then search for reviews about the company and its genuinity.
• Search for more than one assignment help company. Try comparing their websites and details based on checked reviews for all such identified companies.
• Based on reviews, screen two or three top companies as per your understanding.
• Can take up views of friends, who have had previous experiences of using such services. Especially your college seniors should be a good source of information for you in this regard.
• Going with good reviews and recommendations, for the choice of company, is a good strategy to choose the assignment help company.
Ask about pricing policy
A clarity on pricing is a must before you place an order with any assignment help company. In most cases the pricing is depended on the below mentioned variables:
a) Deadline date: Higher the duration available lower the rates
b) Word limits
c) Difficulty level (Graduation, Post-graduation and PHD)
Clarification on payment required on reworks should also be confirmed beforehand. Alongwith, penalty on cancellation of order at a later date, if possible, should also be clarified.
Ask about their assignment making process
The assignment help companies hold independent procedures to complete an assignment and help the client with the created document. An ideal process includes the following steps:
• Document submission by you: The documents submitted are cross checked by experts against requirement. And any missing document or detail is asked for from you. Along with payment based on above mentioned criteria’s.
• Initial processing: Once you confirm based pay detailed by the assignment help company, and provide them with all required information. The solution creation process starts.
• AUB: Assignment Understanding Brief is created by the expert who would be working on the assignment. The details contained include what exactly the expert has understood and would be doing as part of the assignment. It would also specify if any specific organization, country or setting would be considered as part of the assignment and also specify the chosen format like report, essay to complete the work.
The expert based on detailed understanding of the requirement may pose his queries and also demand any details he/she feels would be compulsory to complete the work. The document would also specify the referencing style that would be used in the work and the various sections and sectional word count he/she has decided based on brainstorming.
The created AUB would be shared with you, to gain a confirmation from you that the expert has understood what is required and you are satisfied with his/her understanding. Once you confirm on the AUB the actual draft creation task would begin.
• The AUB is simultaneously be cross checked by a reviewer in the assignment help firm. The reviewer is usually a person who has quite detailed understanding of the requirements and expertise to identify missing aspects in a solution that would help you score high. The reviewer too adds inputs in the AUB along with specifying important references that can be used for value addition in the work.
• Document Creation: Based on inputs from reviewer and you, the writer would proceed to work on the assignment. And complete it within a stipulated time. On completion, he would cross check the solution against marking criteria or company specific checklist as a measure to assure quality.
• Solution review: The created solution would go to the reviewer gain for a check. The same would be reviewed in detail against the requirement and send back to expert for revisions, if any. At the same time, if the solution passes the basic level test, as per reviewer, it would be sent to you for a check as a draft, if you have demanded for it beforehand.
• Turnitin Check: Once all changes based on expert, reviewer and your consensus is made (the consensus should be on basis of specified requirement as per assignment docs and not any personal understanding or opinion of any of the above-mentioned individual), the solution is run through Turnitin, to check any plagiarism exists for the created document. In case of any plagiarism observed, the solution is revised and further edited.
• Final delivery: On completion of payment process, the solution is delivered to you.
The above-mentioned process varies from company to company, though this is usually the ideal process, which you can check in course of discussion over chat or FAQ, with your chosen company for assignment help.
Ask rework policy
Reworks and rework related issues are the most common issue that is usually faced by students when dealing with assignment help firms. So, clarity on how and under what terms the same is carried out needs to be understood before order is placed with any company.
In an ideal case, the reworks suggested by you are checked by the reviewer in place and usually if found to be agreeable and under the specified requirement, as suggested in assignment document, is reworked upon by the reviewer himself/herself.
But, if in case the reworks suggested by out are out of scope of the requirement, or is based on any document you missed sharing initially, would lead to paid rework. It is hence always advisable to reconfirm that you have correctly submitted all related documents.
Ask about refund policy
Most companies claim that they would process a refund if in case the client is not satisfied with the solution. But this goes without say that getting back an expensed amount is always a difficult task, as you need to prove yourself justified.
Hence, in case of refunds on non-satisfaction of delivered work, you would need to produce the marks obtained for the work (the document that you need to submit for the same is the marked copy of the assignment with tutor comments), which is sent to the reviewer and company management for detailed review. Based on consensus, on assessing the gap between the solution and requirement as specified in tutor comments full or partial refund is made by the company.
Also, you need to get an understanding as how and what charges you need to incur in case you wish to cancel your order at any stage. Or if the company fails to deliver the work in time.
Assignment help companies have made our lies easy. But to walk on this easy way, we need to be careful in all above regards. As an aware student, clarity and transparency is a must in all aspects as discussed before we go on to place an order with any assignment help company.I reiterate, knowledge is dangerous if incomplete. So, have full knowledge of whom you choose to work for you and then place an order.